Resource ULI Boston/New England Arborway Yard TAP December 15, 2023 The Emerald Necklace Conservancy reached out to ULI Boston/New England to organize a TAP to review the best practices for the redevelopment Architecture - Design Architecture - Landscape Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Land Use Type/Sector - Government Facilities Neighborhoods Report - TAP Sustainable Development Technical Assistance Panel
Resource Cleveland Circle TAP July 17, 2019 The Cleveland Circle TAP convened October 2009, to study the development potential of the MBTA property at Reservoir Station. Development Projects - Large Scale Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Presentation Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Framingham TAP July 16, 2019 The Framingham TAP convened June 2012, to focus on the FraminghamTechnology Park and 9/90 Corporate Center(Tech Park Area). Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Placemaking Presentation Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Hartford TAP July 16, 2019 The Hartford TAP convened October 2012, identifying opportunities for revitalizing commercial areas on the Farmington Avenue corridor. Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Presentation Report - TAP Revitalization/Redevelopment - Healthy Neighborhoods and Corridors Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Mattapan Square TAP July 16, 2019 The Mattapan Square TAP convened April 26, 2004, to focus on Mattapan Square, a major focal point of the Mattapan community. Infrastructure - Parking and Parking Facilities Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Report - TAP Revitalization/Redevelopment - Downtown Technical Assistance Panel
Resource Plymouth TAP July 16, 2019 The Plymouth TAP convened September 2012, to revitalizing Plymouth’s downtown and strengthening its historic townscape. Infrastructure - Parking and Parking Facilities Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Presentation Report - TAP Revitalization/Redevelopment - Downtown Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Worcester TAP July 15, 2019 The Lincoln Square TAP convened in Worcester September 30, 2014, focusing on its issues, constraints and opportunities. Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Report - TAP Revitalization/Redevelopment - Downtown Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design