Resource Cleveland Circle TAP July 17, 2019 The Cleveland Circle TAP convened October 2009, to study the development potential of the MBTA property at Reservoir Station. Development Projects - Large Scale Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Presentation Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Clinton TAP July 17, 2019 The Clinton TAP convened on February 1 2017, to devise a viable redevelopment strategy for Bigelow Mills. Development Projects - Large Scale Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Leadership Presentation Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Dedham TAP July 17, 2019 The Dedham TAP convened October 2016, to focus on Wigwam Pond, Legacy Place, Providence Highway, Ruscraft Road, and General Dynamics. Development - Business and Firms Development Projects - Large Scale Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Presentation Regulations and Zoning Report - TAP Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design
Resource Fall River TAP July 17, 2019 The Fall River TAP convened October, 2011 to focus on the redevelopment opportunities for the Jefferson Street Extension Area. Development Projects - Large Scale Infrastructure - Parking and Parking Facilities Land Use Type/Sector - Mixed Use and Multi-Use Presentation Regulations and Zoning Report - TAP Responsible Property Investment Technical Assistance Panel