Resource ULI Boston/New England Arborway Yard TAP December 15, 2023 The Emerald Necklace Conservancy reached out to ULI Boston/New England to organize a TAP to review the best practices for the redevelopment Architecture - Design Architecture - Landscape Infrastructure - Transportation and Transit Land Use Type/Sector - Government Facilities Neighborhoods Report - TAP Sustainable Development Technical Assistance Panel
Resource Millis, MA TAP June 7, 2022 The Millis TAP was conducted over three days, June 17, 24, and 25, 2021. Adaptive Use and Building Reuse Architecture - Design Development Projects - Small Scale Downtown Economic Development Report - TAP Revitalization/Redevelopment - Suburbs Small Towns Urban and Regional Planning
Resource Southborough TAP July 15, 2019 The Southborough TAP convened May 9, 2018 at the St. Mark’s School to encourage the development of its Downtown Business Village District. Architecture - Design Development - Business and Firms Placemaking Presentation Report - TAP Revitalization/Redevelopment - Downtown Technical Assistance Panel Urban Design